something something evil angry presents - solution? santa with a gun

original game idea: enter the gungeon-style floor/room system with risk of rain 2 looping mechanics. dozens of upgrades and perks to choose from. epic final boss that chases you around and is a very difficult bullet hell fight. Shopkeepers on each floor to sell you upgrades and such. multiple enemy types such as melee, summoner, ranged, etc.. (yeah those are terraria classes, problem?)

game idea after we started running out of time: ehhhh the boss doesn't need to move does it? we don't need a shopkeeper, a chest will do. we don't need 3 enemy types, neither do we need 5 room types, right???

game idea after we had thoroughly run out of time: aaaaaaa quick quick make something work gun shoot? ok very nice. enemy die sometimes? ver gooj. upgrades? aint no one got time for upgrades! boss? what is this, a triple a game? dont need. why is the player still icon.svg?? ok whatever its a santa dude now 

(not very) FAQ

Q: why is the game so unfinished?

A: why do they call it an oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

Q: will it ever be finished?

A: maybe

Q: where's the time aspect? past, present, future?

A: well, "present" is the enemies.

Q: what about past and future?

A: nobody nose.

Q: nice music

A: thanks

Q: nice code

A: thanks

Q: nice art

A: thanks


Coding - Colin

Art - Justin

Music - Phil

Misc. Stuff/level design - Brian

Repository: https://github.com/Creative0708/mcptjam2023prototype


pastpresentsfuture-linux.zip 30 MB
pastpresentsfuture-windows.zip 33 MB


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wow this is such a nice game